
Senior Developer (Front–End)

Offer­ing proven web applic­a­tion devel­op­ment prac­tices. Using formal and tacit know­ledge to shape main­tain­able code and deliver great exper­i­ences. Pro­mot­ing a col­lab­or­at­ive envir­on­ment, using design and pro­gram­ming together to bene­fit the user.


ahm April 2016–Present

Senior Developer

Adslot Feb–April 2016

Senior Developer

Adslot Dec 2015–Jan 2016

Lead Front–End Developer

Adslot Jan 2014–Dec 2015

Front–End Developer

Packt Publishing 2014 Aug–Nov

Technical Reviewer for Three.js Cookbook

Cam J C 2009–2014

Freel­ance Web Developer/Designer

Adslot 2013 Sep–Dec

Freel­ance Word­Press Developer

University of Canberra 2011–2013

Ses­sional Tutor

Australian National University 2010

Tech­nical Officer

Dick Smith Electronics 2007–2011

Sales Assistant


Australian National University 2011

  • Bachelor of Visual Arts Honours
  • Achieved First Class Honours
  • Awarded ANU Hon­ours Scholarship

Australian National University 2008–2010

  • Bachelor of Visual Arts (Digital Media)
  • Average grade of High Distinction

Academy of Interactive Entertainment 2007

  • Certificate IV in Animation for Games and Film


Adslot November 2015

CEO’s award: “In­aug­ural Scuti Star for Innovation”

“Cam was a key con­trib­utor in rethink­ing our approach to the import­ant cam­paign man­age­ment inter­face includ­ing the brief­ing fea­ture set. Cam was able to draw ideas and inspir­a­tion from other frame­works and apply them in new ways to solve the chal­lenge of rebuild­ing the most com­plex inter­face in Adslot, while sim­pli­fy­ing it’s internal struc­ture to make it far easier to reason.”

Australian National University 2011

ANU Hon­ours Scholarship


Front–EndReact, elm, AngularJS, Stylus, SASS, SMACSS, HTML5, responsive CSS3, SVG, jQuery, WebGL using Three.js, Bower, Ember.

Full–StackCoffeeScript, JavaScript, lodash, Moment.js, Jade, API integration, Gulp.

Back–EndNode.js, Async.js.

TestingSelenium WebDriver, Protractor, Karma, Travis, Jenkins.

Design – colour theory, grid systems, typography, communication, research, animation, drawing, photography.